Patrick Lenk is a singer and composer from Germany, renowned for his unique interpretations of traditional chants and sacred choir arrangements. His music is deeply rooted in the study of the western mystery tradition and the deep purpose of music for humanity. Blending chant and choir music with expansive orchestral and instrumental compositions, he creates sacred atmospheres designed to nourish the soul and inspire spiritual experiences. His work redefines traditional chant, contemporary choir arrangements, and big orchestral and instrumental mood music, composing deep and life-changing pieces to guide, touch, and nourish the souls and spirits of people. These compositions form sacred spaces and atmospheres that initiate positive spiritual effects in listeners.

In addition to his vocal pieces, Patrick creates ambient and soundtrack music for films, games, and apps, reaching millions worldwide. His ambient and soundtrack productions are also featured in famous attractions that draw millions of people every year. The effects of his unique voice and musical work have already helped countless people get in touch with subtle and transformative inner realms of life. Feedback from thousands of listeners overflows with stories of lives changed and enriched by the deep impact of his art. Patrick Lenk invites an experience of mysticism, serious inner search, deeper understanding, and spiritual healing to the world. His authentic life-long journey and inner calling for a mystical renewal, as well as his honest longing for a revival of the spiritual mysteries, can be sensed by listeners.

In 2022, Patrick founded Audio Sanctum, an independent music label dedicated to bringing choir, chant, and instrumental music from talented composers and singers to the world. Through this platform and his ongoing work, Patrick continues to create sacred atmospheres and foster spiritual renewal, inviting listeners into profound experiences of music’s transformative power.


I’m not religious and have no experience with Catholic liturgy beyond occasionally listening to plainchant from a classical music perspective. Patrick Lenk has bypassed my lack of familiarity with this music or its religious context, and he has touched the depths of my spirit with what may be among the most beautiful and moving music I have ever heard. This is no room full of monks. This is one man’s voice with sparse synthesizer. A truly meditative experience.

Dharma L.

The atmosphere sends shivers down my spine. This music adds a layer of mystique to ones own life and activates ones spiritual nature. Doesn’t even have to be christian, it simply touches the very essence of ones spirit. That which has no labels.

Mind I.

Being on a healing journey after going through a long dark night of the soul, has really challenged my faith. Finding your music was a huge blessing, because it changed my life and made my healing more spiritually profound. Your work transformed me at a soul level.

Trinity L.

I’m a dentist and I usually treat patients while listening to your chants, especially “Signum Magnum”. It helps me and patients to overcome stress and discomfort. Thank you for your honorable work.

Omar A.-M.

Wow, your music really strikes a chord with me. This is how prayer should be. It feels as if you have an ultra high speed internet connection with God. Total thumbs up & God Bless You and your incredible music.

Kevin S.

All your works leave me speechless. No matter which religion you profess, this is a magistral work for I am an atheist and I absolutely love it. When an artwork manages to communicate with everyone, regardless of the faith or ideals, well,  this is what I call a great great great job.

Julia P.

I can hear your music in my dreams its so expensive to explain this, and when I was angry or anxious I heard Pangue Lingua or Kirie Eleison and instantly confortme , for my your music its another thing its like therapy or help you to enter to yourself and looking in you all the answers you needed or help to get into the meditation more easy its unbelievable what you make it, for me you transport to another dimension.


Thanks so much you are helping at the worst time of my life something I don’t think I’m going to make it but I just listened to your music and it gives me hope you are sent from God

Karen N.

I have Severe Depression Disorder and basically that is constant emotional pain. Medication helps but it just makes it bearable. But when I listen to your music I get a break of emotional pain. I get a sense of safety and fearless. Your music soothes the soul and brings me a more deeper relief and calms me. I feel closer to God.

Luis A.

Just discovered your music. It has been so helpful for me. I struggle with depression, anxiety, grief and insomnia. Your music has helped me get through anxiety attacks, and somehow opens a door for my brain and thoughts to go through so I can find a restful and safe place.

Bria F.

As a disabled American Air Force Veteran who suffers from PTSD. Every night I go to sleep with your music playing and it relaxes and calms me so I can drift off to sleep without all the thoughts running rampant through my head.

Dawn T.

Your music makes me closer more and more to something that is Higher and Holy beyond everything.

Andreas C.

Your music is part of my daily practice and I listen to it many times each day. My brother is special needs, and your music is one of the primary things that soothes him. He is also continually listening. My gratitude is overflowing.

Jessica B.

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